Top 5 Blockchain Programming Languages You Should Learn in 2019

Ty Cooper
4 min readDec 24, 2018


Kicking off with one most game developers are familiar with, C++. C++ is object-oriented build from an extension of C. With C++ ability to pack functions into ‘objects’ to later be useful for other programs makes it an effective blockchain language for resource management and greater control over memory. This is beneficial because the blockchain requires users and miners to simultaneously interact with each other in processing transactions. Given the size of these transactions being validated onto a ledger and distributed across a decentralized network can be memory intensive as more users come onto the server.

C++ also creates an application that can coordinate with numerous of endpoints on the nodes all while process interactions swiftly. This is why the top blockchain project kings, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple, were all created using C++. C++ also has many compatibilities which makes it an attractive language for blockchain development!


Java is another popular language many computer scientists and programmers develop their skills form. Java has been the center keystone for HTML/CSS web pages that construct the ginormous world wide web. This makes it another wise candidate to be compatible with traditional websites and the oncoming blockchain web3 technology.

Java is useful for creating immutable unshakable blockchains. The immutability is an important factor for blockchain technology to be hacker or fraud resistant. Immutability reinforces the blockchain verification process to reject any information that fails to match with the majority of the chain.

This process is accomplished by hashing algorithms. Once hashed, any of its contents will create a new hash for the blocks that came before, this deters the new block from being added until the contents of that ledger match with the majority of the chain.



Python is the shining star in computer programming languages. It was created after a Dutch programmer, Guido van Rossum, who named it after the comedic genius, Monty Python. Python’s syntax and logic structure have made it one of the most popular among newcomers, data scientist, and web development.

Python is simple to understand as well as versatile. There are countless libraries user’s have contributed to python programming for developers to leverage to create amazing programs. This is what makes it useful for blockchain programming as Python becomes more popular among users. There’s already well written web3 library for python called



Simplicity is a fairly new programming language that focuses on smart contract development. It’s claimed to be one of the easiest programming languages to learn(statement from Russell O’Connor). Not much is known about this new language but you can read about the creator’s intention and purpose for here at his Whitepaper.


Last, but not least, Solidity. Solidity is a blockchain programing language is high-level and contract central blockchain language. It was created by Ethereum’s founder, Vitalik Burterin, as an open-door approach to direct smart contract creation. Solidty’s scripts in solidity share similarities with those of Java, and C++ such as variables, functions, methods, and classes.

The central hub for working with the Solidity script can be located at the site called Remix. Along with some documentation as a guide to this program. This is highly recommended because following explanation on how Solidity operates may be a little complex, especially for inexperienced programmers. With the added benefit to instantly deploy a smart contract onto the blockchain, this marks it as an important language in our time.

In Conclusion

The blockchain is rapidly revolutionizing our modern world. Soon digital assets will be a commonplace median exchange and cultural influence. This technology is already impacting many different industries currently as we speak!

The gift we have now to work with this new emerging technology is mind-blowing! It is essential to remain updated with the emerging tech and how to use them. For a Blockchain Developer, it’s recommended that they are familiar with one of the modern programming languages like Java, Python or C++. These languages don’t just help create applications for blockchain, but also help learn contract-based or blockchain-based languages like Simplicity or Solidity.

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Ty Cooper

I am a Web3 Educator & Developer and technology enthusiast